Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pastor Jim Celebrates 60th Birthday

Dr. James McElroy, Pastor Jim to the Christian community, comes from a missionary background. He lived in the Philippines with his parents for 20 years. After college, he served in a couple of churches in the United States in the field of education, music, and youth. In 1980, he left for the Philippines with his wife, Karla, and children Charise and Jared. After five years of missionary work in the Philippines, the family returned to Dallas to serve with a Bible translation agency (Pioneer Bible Translators). In 1993, Jim moved to Seattle with his family to serve with Puget Sound Christian College as chair of the Missions Department and Degree program. Pastor Jim has a bachelor’s degree in theology, a master’s degree in linguistics, and a doctoral degree in cultural anthropology.

Currently, Jim McElroy is the Pastor of the Filipino-American Christian Church (FACC) in Shoreline, Washington. The FACC congregation gave Pastor Jim a surprise party to celebrate his 60th birthday anniversary. Sixty guests were asked to describe Pastor Jim in one word. They describe him with different words like kind, understanding, etc. I would describe him “kalog,” a description which means you can easily relate to him.

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