Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One Philippines Grand Matriarch Celebrates 80th Birthday

Felisa Hilotin, mother of One Philippines publisher, John Hilotin, celebrated on May 16, 2008 her 80th birthday. John and her sister, Maricel, surprised her mother (Mama Felisa) with a big bash at the Filipino Community Center. Mama Felisa was ushered to the ballroom by her sister and family. She was given a bouquet by 2008 Queen of the Filipino Community Center, Queen Asuncion while the “Highlight Band” played the birthday song. Tez Mendoza and Edgar Mesina were the band’s vocalists. The band played old time favorites to the delight of the evening’s guests.

The Filipinas Performing Arts of Washington (FPAWS) entertained the guests with Filipino Folk Dances. Their opening number was Silong sa Gandingan, a dance that originated from the island of Mindanao. This was followed by Estudiantina, a favorite dance in social gatherings by young women who live in the catholic dorms and attend catholic schools. The finale was one of our famous dances from the rural areas, the Tinikling. This dance imitates the hopping and running of the bird “tikling” as they run over branches or dodge bamboo traps set by farmers.

Incidentally, the dance group under the direction of Juliet Cheattle is now preparing for their trip to Anchorage, Alaska. The group will perform and conduct workshops at the 12th Biennial National Conference of the Filipino American National Historical Society which will be held at the Anchorage Hilton Hotel from July 3 to 5, 2008. If you would like to help the kids raise funds to defray the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals and educational activities during their visit to Anchorage, you may send your donation to FPAWS. Your donation is tax deductible.

The Fil-Am Association of Oak Harbor had a special number for Mama Felisa. The mothers and their daughters of Oak Harbor presented one of the Filipino favorite dances, “Carinosa.” It was a well applauded number during the evening.

As a surprise number, “Kontagious, led by Albee Abigania, did a hip-hop number. Eva Sabiniano and Julien Mella serenaded Mama Felisa with love songs. And to open the evening’s dancing, John danced with her mother to the tune of “Can I have this Dance.” The celebration was capped by the blowing of birthday candles and a “thank you” message from the overwhelmingly happy celebrant, Felisa Hilotin.

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